Florida's Haunted Schools, College Campuses, & Universities - Get an Education in Florida's Scariest Schools!

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This location was once a hotel that is rumored to be haunted by a number of ghosts, one is believed to be the mistress of Henry Flagler who haunts the 4th floor where she hung herself. The room is boarded up but some students peek in the keyhole still. The story says that when Flagler died, his funeral was held in the front hall of the college. They had all the windows open so the... Read More
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A teacher died of a heart attack in the auditorium years ago and it is said that a cold spot can be felt in the exact spot the incident occurred. The back of the library also has a cold spot where people reported "eerie feelings." Strange lights sometimes appear in the main theatre and whistling and music can sometimes be heard while no one is around. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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The cleaning staff at this college have reported hearing strange sounds and feeling things touch them and breath on them. Now, they will only clean during the day. There are also tunnels beneath the school, some of which haven't been able to be opened. The freshmen women's dorms are also a popular spot for suicides. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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The auditorium at this school is said to have a phantom ghost that hangs out on top of the rafters. It likes to make noise and scare the drama students. Some believe the ghost is of a boy who was buried on the schools campus. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This high school's third floor is where there is at least one ghost who likes to move things and make eerie sounds. Members of the janitorial staff have reported seeing odd phenomena in the auditorium as well. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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There is a theater inside this high school where the drama students have class. People have claimed to see the ghost nicknamed Fred while others have heard music and witnessed lights that turn on and off by themselves. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This university was a hotel over a hundred years ago and Theodore Roosevelt even stayed in it once. The second floor is blocked off and is said to be unsafe because of its age. Tour guides have reported apparitions that they have seen from the windows outside. Read More
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This building is rumored to be haunted by a ghostly spirit that lingers the halls and amphitheater. She has been seen in the amphitheater at least once, and other times she has been heard in the halls, running and slamming the doors. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This high school started to be built in the 1800s, but the construction was stopped for no specific reason. It was then restarted again by Alma Mater in 1971. Some of the many hauntings that take place here include a girl who walked into the girls' bathroom and saw another girl with blood on her face and a knife in her hands. There was another time where security cameras caught a young... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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Two years ago, a man shot his ex-girlfriend in the back of the head between classes. After, he killed himself. The two died in between Building 5 and another building at this college. Students that are leaving their night classes have reported seeing white figures and smelling strange smells from around that corner. Also, a permanent blood stain still remains on the ground. Read More
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This eerie school was abandoned for years before it was demolished in 2008. Before it was torn down, it was a popular spot for ghost enthusiasts who claimed to hear the sounds of children playing, even when no one is around. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This library was built many years ago and it is believed to be haunted by an old janitor. He worked at the location for many years and then mysteriously disappeared without a trace. People have claimed to hear him rummaging through the old janitors closet that has been locked up since the day he vanished. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This school is believed to be haunted by teenage cadets of West Florida Cadet Battalion. Their ghosts are said to still drill on the ROTC parade ground on campus where they once drilled during the Civil War. People have reported electricity that goes off while showering. Once the person gets out of the shower, the lights mysteriously turn back on and the mirror appears fogged up with... Read More
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There is a ghost at this high school that can be seen by the janitors. Most believe the reason behind the haunting is because there was a man that got caught in the gears of the clock tower. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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The auditorium at this high school is rumored to be haunted. Reports say if there is just a few people, the lights will start to go on and off by themselves. The figure of a boy and girl on stage have also been seen, along with the faint sound of music. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This high school's auditorium and library are believed to be haunted. Librarians have claimed that books they've organized just the day before have been thrown into utter disarray the next morning. There is a local legend that says at least two people died in the auditorium, a janitor and a president of the drama club. People have reported the auditorium TV turning on all by itself, and... Read More
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This hall was originally known as P. K. Yonge Laboratory School and is located on the eastern campus of the University of Florida. Architect Rufolph Weaver designed it in Collegiate Gothic style, building it in 1932. The hall was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places on January 26th, 1990 and it is rumored to be haunted by several children who died in an elevator... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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A young woman can be seen at this college wandering through the halls. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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The theatre at this college is rumored to have a tall male figure that has been seen by some. The figure appears pale blue and has been seen in the broom closet on the left side of the stage. It has been said that he sometimes dances and waves, but most of the time he just watches in silence. Soft gusts of wind and cold chills have also been reported here. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This elementary school was set to receive renovations in 2000, and once these plans were announced, the night time janitors reported hearing strange bangings. They also said they saw a young boy in a baseball uniform run by. The occurrences became worse and worse, causing some of the janitors to not want to work the night shift. To try and get to the bottom of this, a recorder was left... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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A freshman had gone to the bathroom near the auditorium a couple of years ago during her 3rd period class. Some boys went into the bathroom and raped her so badly that she ended up bleeding to death. No one found her until after school hours when a janitor went to clean the bathroom. She is now said to haunt the bathroom and can not leave until the five boys who raped her die. Students... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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At this high school, there have been reports of lights going on and off by themselves, strange howling sounds and even people being locked in rooms (mainly the green room woman's restroom, and the costume room). March 2005 Update: The auditorium that is currently in the school is said to be haunted by a man who hung himself in the gym in the 1960s. The door on the costume room does not... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges