Sunland Hospital Site - Orlando FL Real Haunt

- All Childrens Way
- Orlando, FL
- Average Review
- (4 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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- Yes - Open To Public
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From that point on, people claimed to see weird lights and sounds emanating from the abandoned building, and it didn’t take long for it to become the #1 spot in Orlando for bored kids and ghost hunters to check out at night, looking for a good scare. Some got just that – apparitions of little boys and girls appeared at various spots throughout the building.
The abandoned hospital remained a popular night-time diversion for Orlando’s youth until the mid-1990s, when one unfortunate kid fell through an elevator shaft and was seriously injured. That incident led to the building being demolished soon after. Today the site is a playground, and some claim that swings can be seen moving entirely on their own, as if being ridden by the spirits of long-dead children.
- Evans High School2.4 miles away
- Princeton Hospital - Lakeside Hospital3.1 miles away
- Townsend's Plantation7.0 miles away
- Orange Blossom Trail7.1 miles away
- Enzian Theater8.0 miles away
- Greenwood Cemetery8.2 miles away
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Hell I used to live across the street from there on Bon Aire Dr We used to ride our bikes around back an see patients in a screened in area an would pop wheelies an entertain the patients We never thought it was haunted an when I returned to the neighborhood some 20 yrs ago it was gone I was born in 1961 an moved away 15 yrs later to college park I now live in Tennessee
Posted 2/14/210 out of 1 found this review helpful
It was very...very....scary.......
After clubbing very close to Halloween...Some friends and I went to the abandoned hospital...around 1993 or 94....there was stuff spray painted on the wall like "sweets to sweets" just like in the movie Candyman...also various stuff saying..." don't go this way or you'll die if you go that way..."...there were old hospital papers strewn everywhere ...wheel chairs ...embalming tables....all sorts of medical equipment...the children's ward had creepy old Disney characters on the walls the original Mickey Mouse....we heard lots of noises and saw a wheelchair moving g toward us down a hall way ...also when we ran outside we looked up and saw a black shadow figure an upstairs room that mysteriously had a light on....when there was clearly no electricity....also in the back of the building was yellow crime scene tape...from who knows what...we all ended up screaming and running out of the place ..I ran so fast I tripped and fell and tore my shirt and skinned my entire shoulder on the could definitely feel evil there...and that thede sould or people were tortured there before death...
Posted 9/4/201 out of 1 found this review helpful
It was very...very....scary.......
After clubbing very close to Halloween...Some friends and I went to the abandoned hospital...around 1993 or 94....there was stuff spray painted on the wall like "sweets to sweets" just like in the movie Candyman...also various stuff saying..." don't go this way or you'll die if you go that way..."...there were old hospital papers strewn everywhere ...wheel chairs ...embalming tables....all sorts of medical equipment...the children's ward had creepy old Disney characters on the walls the original Mickey Mouse....we heard lots of noises and saw a wheelchair moving g toward us down a hall way ...also when we ran outside we looked up and saw a black shadow figure an upstairs room that mysteriously had a light on....when there was clearly no electricity....also in the back of the building was yellow crime scene tape...from who knows what...we all ended up screaming and running out of the place ..I ran so fast I tripped and fell and tore my shirt and skinned my entire shoulder on the could definitely feel evil there...and that thede sould or people were tortured there before death...
Posted 9/4/202 out of 2 found this review helpful
Chrystal chesnut
I thank that thats tarble of what happened to that little boy
Posted 4/22/181 out of 4 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)