
Greenwood Cemetery - Orlando FL Real Haunted Places

  • 1603 Greenwood St.
  • Orlando, FL
  • (407) 246-2616
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Many of the children from the Sunland Hospital were buried at this cemetery, and there are eerie sections inside called "Baby Land 1" and "Baby Land 3," etc. These sections house nothing but infants and children under the age of 5. Those that visit these areas have reported hearing music box tunes and sometimes children's laughter. Others have reported feeling ghostly hands touching them or tugging at their clothing.
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  • Spooky experience here

    Nice cemetery, in a beautiful area. I would just like to share a spooky experience..near 7pm on April 23rd, my mother and I heard the voice of a woman on the far west side of the cemetery.... This was right near the Christianized and elaborate tomb of "Diane R Johnson", with palm trees planted around it (entering the cemetary take EVERY left turn possible). The voice was coming from the south west. There was absolutely nobody there; no parked cars or people. The voice was difficult to make out, but went in and out for about 2-3 minutes. Then a white car came down our path. It was the gravekeeper. He told us the cemetery was closed and we had to leave. We informed him there was still someone else in the cemetary, and he replied that he already cleared the area.

    Posted 4/24/20

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  • SPOOKY cemetery

    Toured the grounds with Lake Mary Adventure Walkers. Superb cemetery with great haunted stories.

    Posted 10/21/18

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Contact Phone #: (407) 246-2616

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Clicks to Website: 470
Last edit to this listing: 7/11/2016 (3180 days ago)

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