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Quincy Leaf Theater/The Quincy Music Theater - Quincy FL Real Haunted Place

  • 118 E. Washington St.
  • Quincy, FL
  • (850) 875-9444
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  (1 review)
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Real Haunted Theaters
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This location is rumored to be haunted by numerous spirits. There are several that hangout in the balcony and upstairs area, some in the backstage area, and some in the seating area on the main floor. None of the ghosts seem to cause any issues, since the theatre productions here seem to go well.
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  • Real creepy experience

    Back in 2007 I visited this theater with a friend that was in a version of Fiddler On The Roof and during a rehearsal night was allowed to sit up in the balcony to watch. About a third way through I heard someone rattling a doorknob that was on the outside wall and went to open it for them but saw it had a steel bar bolted across the threshold and a chain from the doorknob to a bracket on the wall so I spoke to them telling them the door was sealed from inside and could not open it. They stopped and I returned to watch feeling bad I couldn't let them in. Several times more through the rest of the show it happened again and I thought it was someone playing a joke on me since I had been told the place was haunted by several people there. At the end of the rehearsal I went back down and approached my friends group and laughed telling them they got me with their joke. After a few strange looks I explained what I meant and everyone's eyes grew big and a few mouths opened. The stage manager told me that was not possible and took me outside the side stage door and showed me a large open space and a sole door high on the wall. He told me the staircase had collapsed well over 30 years ago and two people were killed in the fall. There was no physical way to reach the door from the outside without a extension ladder or lift platform. My skin crawled for weeks after that experience.

    Posted 8/21/19

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Contact Phone #: (850) 875-9444

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Visitors to this page: 2,307
Clicks to Website: 75
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3326 days ago)

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