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Fort Pickens - Real Haunted Place

  • 1400 Fort Pickens Rd.
  • Pensacola Beach, FL
  • (850) 934-2635
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Fort Pickens was also used as a prison for Apache chief Geronimo and his braves. Witnesses have claimed seeing and hearing the spirits of Native Americans.
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  • Stop #13 on your-reverse arches

    The entire tour through the fort you could feel the past all around, especially the soldiers and captives, but getting to stop #13 I became overwhelmed with emotions. I couldn’t explain it, but I started crying. Once I left the area I was fine. Also at stop #15 battery Pensacola, what I’m assuming are cells below the battery, you could feel the presence of something.

    Posted 7/11/24

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  • Scary whether you believe in ghosts or not

    I grew up in Pensacola so fort picken visits were frequent but anytime I ever went in the tunnels I always got spooked even though I was never 100% sure I believed in them. It's long, dark, cold and scary so It'd do good at freaking anyone out and it holds great memories for me!

    Posted 3/29/24

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  • Feeling Dizzy at Fort Pickens

    It was a cold and very windy day and me my mom,dad, and my brother thought it would be a good idea to come and check it out and everyone was fine until we went into this downstairs area with graffiti on the wall and my dad said he started to feel dizzy and smell gun powder\ methane gas we walked outside and into a jail cell and he said he felt like passing out so although what happened with my dad it was a very good experience and I highly recommend going.

    Posted 2/17/24

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  • An experience I'll never forget

    Some people will be overflowed with the emotions of the spirits who are still there, watch out for that, its really heavy. I went during the early afternoon. A few minutes after stepping into the fort and walking through the first tunnel, I already started to feel my chest getting tighter. The whole time I was in there, I had such difficulty breathing, but I kept on because like most people, I get intrigued with history. Now, I felt a lot of emotions, and caught a few voices on camera, but what really impressed me, was when I was leaving the site, I really believe I left with the emotions of a spirit. As soon as I walked out of that prison cell on the left end, I was so light headed, felt sick to my stomach, I didn't feel like myself, I was confused, my head was cloudy, and my right shoulder kept falling back as if I had a force trying to bring me back to the jail. While in one of the cells, there was a faint gun powder smell followed by a blood smell, not rotting blood, but fresh blood smell, it didn't scare me though, I think I would have felt different if it did smell rotten. I pulled up my videos to get some screenshots of myself to share my experience on my page, and while leaving the video to play I heard a voice respond to me after I commented, "oh s#!+ I almost fell", I heard a woman's voice in that video say, "make that fall", while going up the stairs where the American flag is posted. In that same area, as soon as I made it to the top and turned my camera towards the open field, clear as day, I heard what sounded like two native Americans speaking to each other. The whole time, standing on that mound, I never felt negative at all, until I got to the jail part, and I don't regret it, but I can't shake this feeling off to this day. I was never one to express my emotions and I always had to make an effort and put energy into my feelings, but now after Fort Pickens I feel like my emotions are really dead with no care in the world to make any effort of showing any interest. I still loved it there and the beautiful experience I had and I'm extreamly greatful for this.

    Posted 12/12/22

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  • Something was in there with me

    I was about 12-13 and as curious kids we ventured over the backside from the beach area and stumbled upon this. It was between 1982-1985. 1 summer my brother and I walked around and found this cool place. They have fixed it up some now through the years to do tours or such whatever the fact. It didnt look that way when I went there. i'd say this long tunnel that wasnt big enough for a tall person. I dont know where it went it just sort of dead ended at a light. But I remember clear as day something telling me to "Get out of here". When I got back out of the end of the tunnel my brother had left already as a typical brother like mine would do. And he didn't say it. It was said so clear and near me not like he could of said that being it was right beside me almost in my ear very close. To this day I dont know what or who it was as no one was with us and my brother was the only ones there with me. He made me go into the tunnel he was chicken. So I took it as a dare. Seems every since then I see a old man in a long black trench coat and hat that looks like the character on jeeper creepers wears in the movie. I see it walk around in each house i've ever lived in. He just walks past and I catch glimpses of him. I feel something attached itself to me that day. But at any rate its a good place to go to see history. Just not the way I did it without permission. Creepy for sure though.

    Posted 11/13/21

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  • It was fun, but a hot dreary day

    I’ve been reading these stories of peoples experience here and I must admit, they are all written very poorly and with no real substance. The only thing other worldly about this place is the heat you feel when you step outside into the sun. Also there are plenty of spiders in the halls. Keep in mind the wiring for all the electricity runs chaotically all over the fort and through the tunnels, so more than likely everyone’s posted experience is made up or just a delusion that I will give the benefit of the doubt that it was encouraged by the Tesla caged halls. Be better people and do better. Place was interesting and a fun visual but these “stories” are obviously fake.

    Posted 6/13/21

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  • Fort Pickens is haunted

    I was walking and nobody wasn't around and there was a soldier coming towards me knock me down on my feet it was heavy he smelled of cologne running towards the cannons. I followed the cologne smell and it disappeared. At night you can hear cannons going off and in the daytime you can hear cannons going off

    Posted 8/24/20

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    1 out of 8 found this review helpful



    Posted 2/14/20

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  • I have been touch

    Went in a small tunnel my buddy was in front of me and we truned the lights out and somthing are someone put there hand on my left side of my neck I have not been there scens I'm good

    Posted 8/3/19

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  • Ghost sighting at Fort Pickens

    Recently went to visit my son at the Naval Aviation School in Pensacola. Part of our day took us to visit the historic Fort Pickens. Walking around and enjoying the many areas of the Fort, I made sure I took plenty of photos. The next day, I was looking through the photos, reliving the wonderful experience with my son and noticed something odd about one of the photos. It was a picture of one of the portals in the fort wall. Just below the portal is what was odd. It was an image of what looked like maybe a jail cell with a ghostly image behind the bars. I thought at first it may be a glare coming from the portal itself but there was no way that could be since this image was just below and to the right.

    Posted 4/26/18

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    9 out of 9 found this review helpful

  • Haunted Hospital Wing

    Once, while volunteering at the Fort, I carried my K2 EMF Meter to work to see if, during my break, I might find some paranormal activity. I told Park Ranger David Ogden who was working that day I would enjoy walking around the Fort to see what I might find. He smiled at me and said sure and to have fun. As I went through the areas facing north I passed by the very large cannons in the interior that face the Navy Base. It was daylight but very dark in the area as I walked around the exhibit. It was empty of any tourist and seemed very quite and very unnerving but... I continued my task of hunting down anything, not of this world. I walked through a very narrow cave-like areas where the black powder was once stored some two hundred years or more ago. Feeling as if someone was watching me, I ventured on and made my way to what was once the Fort's hospital area. I looked around the area where the patients might have laid in their beds and didn't notice anything peculiar.I must admit I was somewhat relieved when I made it to the doorway when before exiting the area I heard my EMF device alarm go off and as I looked down I noticed the needle was, at last, in the red zone moving wildly back and forth. I was shocked and scared to find something or someone just might be there with me. As soon as I lifted my head, a man's kind voice said to me "Hello!". I thought I was losing my mind but realized he said it so forceful into my left ear it caused the bangs on the side of my face rise and fall back down to my forehead and while the puff of air tickled my ear. I realized then I had just felt the breath of a ghostly being. Even though he seemed very kind I was lost for words to the invisible spirit and decided it best to ran away and made my way out to the grassy parade grounds and the heat of the sun very quickly.

    Posted 10/25/16

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    13 out of 13 found this review helpful

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