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Tomoka Lights / Ormond Lights - Ormond Beach FL Real Haunted Place

  • Beach St.
  • Ormond Beach, FL
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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The Tomoka Lights (also known as the Ormond Lights) can be seen if you drive North on Beach St. in Ormond Beach late at night, toward Tomoka State Park. These are typical "ghost lights" that appear out of nowhere as balls of light. Proceed with caution though, as there have been some car accidents while people were searching for the lights.
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  • Tomoka oaks haunted house

    When I was a kid I lived in Tomoka oaks in Ormond Beach. I was awaken by a ghost in middle of night . Young boy maybe 8-9 yrs old with bowl haircut -old fashioned . Mostly dark no facial details . Moved around from left side of my bed to right corner . I buried my head in pillow and it touched my foot . Pulled it really . I screamed and my mom came in and turned light on . Only saw it that once . I’ll never forget it though . It was so clear .

    Posted 5/3/21

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  • Tomoka lights are real. Not folklore.

    I saw them up close. 5 ft from me. They emit a plasma type light. They can stretch out and form shapes like emission nebula clouds from outer space. They are very fast. Move at about 15 to 20mph. Up close they look like moldable jelly that is glowing. The one I saw wss blue and green. I have it in film. They are big too. 12 ft wide. I captured it moving in flight right in front of me 10ft from Nokia lumia camera. 1020 phone with Carl Zeiss lens.

    Posted 2/9/21

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  • Video footage of tomoka lights

    Thety do not appear as balls of light but more like a moving cloud of light that morphs into different shapes rapidly the one I saw was moving at 30 ft per second about 15 to 20 miles an hour and can seen in this video, the camera a Nokia, Mumia, was about ten feet away from it, it was turquoise in Colour and took the shape of an angel in the middle of the frame. It is made of electrically charged particles. Like a neon light. Appears to have faces in the illuminated must. Here see for yourself. https://youtu.be/tUK5ItxRQIc

    Posted 2/9/21

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  • Hazel

    The legend I learned was that the lights were "mugwumps" and one was named Hazel. People would see the lights and say it was Hazel riding her broom. I've never seen the lights, but I love the drive. It's beautiful and historical. Too bad they're ruined it with development.

    Posted 7/23/20

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  • haunted house of tomoka farmsrd ormond beach fla

    i wanted to see if their were ghosts in the house and i believe their were

    Posted 9/16/18

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Visitors to this page: 3,926
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3325 days ago)

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