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The I-4 Dead Zone - Lake Monroe FL Real Haunt

  • I-4 near Exit 104
  • Lake Monroe, FL
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places
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The I-4 Dead Zone is an elevated area near where Interstate 4 crosses over Lake Monroe, and reports say that since 1963 more than 2000 accidents have occurred here. Many believe that four graves were paved over to make the road and that ghost hitchhikers can be seen around the area. Strange voices are also known to come through on cell phones.
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  • Perhaps the worst haunted road myth there is

    While it is said that I-4 was built over some graves, there is nothing to prove that there are more accidents or fatal car crashes in the so called "I-4 dead zone" than elsewhere. If anything, the dead zone isn't that particularly bad in terms of crashes. I-4 at 535 and I-4 at the 408 have many more crashes. I've also walked all along the Lake Monroe Wayside Park (even walked on the old bridge) and under the current I-4 bridge. Felt nothing.

    Posted 7/25/22

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  • I require facts, proof.......And I got more than I bargained for

    My son and I went there on random adventure at night. I honestly just thought that we would scare ourselves or just be goofy, whatever. I left there with one tear running down my cheek, and a child’s /demons voice in my mind for weeks. We had randomly walked through the park area, not even knowing the story behind this area completely. I’m going to let anyone who has experience it for themselves, but all I have to say is be extremely careful, & do not spend more than a few minutes here. I was left with the taunting voice masked as a sick version of a young boy. And he left me with these words: You’re itttt. In a singsong voice. I will never forget it, and I am more of a believer than I thought possible.

    Posted 9/15/20

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  • 4 ghost

    haunted I-4

    Posted 5/17/16

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    0 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,775
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3325 days ago)

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