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Stringer House - Real Haunts in Brooksville FL

  • 601 Museum Ct.
  • Brooksville, FL
  • (352) 799-0129
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  (4 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Museums
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This property was purchased in 1855 by John May. He donated 15 acres of it in 1856 to the county as a county seat. May lived in the home with his wife, Marena and their daughter. His wife passed during child birth and his daughter at the age of 3, but May remained for a little while after and remarried before eventually moving. Dr. Sheldon Stringer purchased the home from May and added a room for his patients and a special exit out of the room so the patients would not disturb his family.

Jessie May was the daughter of John and Marena, who was born in the home and also died there as well. There have been numerous reports of people hearing her cry for her mother and docents have noticed that toys on display in the dining room area have been moved into the foyer or placed in different positions in front of the fireplace. This apparently happens right before the museums locks its doors for the night. When the volunteer returns the next morning, the toys are arranged in a different way from how they had left them. Some believe Jessie doesn't like the way the toys are set up, so she fixes them to her liking.
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  • Clearest EVP!!

    We were in the doctor’s office, and I asked if he was still taking care of the children. The clearest, deepest “Yes” came through on the spirit box. We have it on video. So cool!!

    Posted 4/27/24

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  • There was this one Saturday

    As we listened to the docent discuss house history a guest looked down to his right. The docent noticed inquired ,someone touched him. I took a photo of an orb racing up my friend's arm. The docent was recanting mr nasty's life~man felt 3 taps on his right shoulder we ALL SCREAMED.

    Posted 8/20/23

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  • so cool

    almost peed on myself 6 times

    Posted 7/9/20

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • disappointed to say the least

    i went with a friend and honestly i wasnt impressed. we had no experience, no noises, only 1 evp that a guide had gotten and thats it. not even a creep feeling.

    Posted 10/8/16

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    2 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (352) 799-0129

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Last edit to this listing: 7/11/2016 (3184 days ago)

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