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Site of the Rosewood Massacre - Rosewood FL Real Haunts

  • Rosewood
  • Rosewood, FL
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Fannie Taylor, a white woman who lied in 1923 about being assaulted by an African-American man, just because she didn't want her husband to know she was actually beaten by her white lover. Sarah Carrier, Fannie's maid, witnessed the entire thing and knew the real truth. Because of the huge lie, white men from nearby towns came to hunt down and kill the African-American residents of Rosewood, including Sarah. The citizens of Rosewood defended themselves and the whites burned almost every one of their buildings down. The home of white merchant John Wright still stands to this day. He was a hero who hid many of the Rosewood residents and helped them get to safety. The woods surrounding this house are believed to be haunted. Witnesses have claimed they've seen an African-American man, dropping to his knees, pleading for mercy before disappearing. Screams and gunshots have also been reported at the location.

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  • Rosewood

    You can really feel a very heavy sadness in the area. Feelings of anxiety and fear hit me Everytime I visit this location. Such an horrific event leaves residual energy I believe forever.

    Posted 6/6/20

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3328 days ago)

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