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Island Hotel & Restaurant - Real Cedar Key Haunted Place

  • 373 2nd St.
  • Cedar Key, FL
  • (352) 543-5111
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Listing Categories
Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging, Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This notoriously haunted building dates back to 1859 and is supposedly haunted by a young African American boy, about 9 years old. He died right before the end of the Civil War. The boy had allegedly worked at the location when he was caught by the manager putting something in his pocked. The manager chased him out the back door and the boy was never seen or heard from again, so the story goes.
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  • Freaky!

    Stayed here in the early fall in 2014. I didn't know it was haunted until I read a notebook the hotel put in the guestroom about the historical inn. We stayed in the former owner/cook of the hotel. All the rooms are a little different, decorated to match the turn of the century, and some have clawfoot tubs. Downstairs is a gorgeous dining room on oneside, and lobby, and bar. After reading about the various historical people who have stayed there, I started to get really scared. There are supposed to be 4 different ghosts. The original female owner and her helper, a confederate soldier, and the young black boy who disappeared and later found dead in a cystern. The wifi was supposed to be available in the room but it wouldn't work. My ex walked all over the second floor and out to the balcony and still could only get a slight signal. Interference of some kind made it impossible to get a good signal. I had a very difficult time sleeping there. I had my covers pulled up under my chin. I scared myself silly.

    Posted 6/29/19

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Contact Phone #: (352) 543-5111

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Visitors to this page: 2,395
Clicks to Website: 191
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)

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