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House of Refuge at Gilbert's Bar - Stuart FL Real Haunts

  • 301 SE MacArthur Blvd.
  • Stuart, FL
House of Refuge at Gilbert's Bar in Stuart is the location where a possible cult had been started. People lived here with a man they claimed to be some kind of Messiah. It turned out that the man was a doctor named Cyrus Teed, later renaming himself Koresh. This new name came from the religion of “Koreshanity”. More than 250 people stayed at the location while following Koresh. Koresh passed away in 1908, and his body was propped up for weeks until it had to be disposed of. His body was placed in a mausoleum soon after and has since been washed away by a powerful hurricane. The spirits of those who lived at the location are said to linger the grounds. Witnesses have reported hearing phantom footsteps and seeing people appearing and quickly disappearing.
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  • Haunting caught on phonr

    My friend brought me here and I brought my phone with my necrophonic app. I was able to walk through with nobody else and just let it play and listen. And I got a couple of things that turned out to be true. One of them was the name Axel who turned out to be a real person and it kept saying at ease like a soldier would say

    Posted 9/2/24

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Last edit to this listing: 4/15/2021 (1440 days ago)

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