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Harder Hall - Sebring FL Real Haunted Places

  • 3201 Golfview Rd.
  • Sebring, FL
  • (863) 382-0500
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Real Haunted Places
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Harder Hall was built in the 1920s and urban legend says that every owner of the hotel has died under "strange circumstances," often within the limits of the property. Some say its old visitors haunt the place and it has been said that you can see the ghosts of those who died here staring out from the windows or wandering around the courtyards. The property is said to be abandoned now, although it is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. There is no trespassing allowed on the premises.
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  • I lived a block away my whole childhood

    My husband and I both grew up in Sebring and our entire family continues to live there. I even worked at the golf course next door for several years. I’ve seen floating lights near the front entrance on several occasions but only in the very early hours around 4/5am. I’ve seen numerous shadows and even what looked light the outlining of people’s bodies moving around inside even though the entire place was blocked off for years. I too have heard what sounded like ballroom music coming from the place but it has never lasted longer than a few seconds. The strangest thing I ever saw was a ghostly figure actually walking outside the north end of the building. I was driving to work very early in the morning and it was so odd to me that I even turned my car around and went back for another look only to find no one. There is a very erie energy that has always come from the place as well.

    Posted 12/10/22

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  • Mother lived on property (Sally Anne birkholz (Binger)

    My mother moved in with a man named vern after my parents split. I used to visit regularly. I remember we were on an upper floor or roof my memory is from fucking 2000 and I found a dead bat, after that I had heard a loud slam somewhere behind me. Never booked it so fast. Didn't help my mother was a raging alcoholic who cared little about my safety. And I just remember vern as what you would assume an old drunk caretaker looks like. The pool was always gated and green as fuck

    Posted 1/2/22

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  • I'm a security officer I work next to that hotel

    I have definitely heard sounds from the building. And also witnessed a floating light that went past several Windows of the hotel.

    Posted 11/19/21

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • My experience at Harder Hall

    I stayed at Inn on the Lake back around 1995.Our group of golfers stayed here and played golf at Harder Hall,was on the balcony around midnight as the bar shuts down at 11.00 pm.I was sitting there when I saw a light at Harder Hall and the sound of music coming from there.Big Band era music was playing,I knew nothing about this place and thought there was a large party taking place,thinking maybe I could get a drink there I walked along wall on little lake Jackson. As I got closer I could see shadows of people dancing on a ballroom floor with a large band playing.The people were wearing gowns and hats and the room was large with a Big Band playing,I got closer and the people looked like ghost dancing on the floor,Two men saw me and came towards the window,I was frightened and ran back to Inn on the Lake, Not knowing what I just saw I drove my car along the road and saw there were no cars in parking lot.At the time I didnot know the history of Harder Hall

    Posted 10/14/21

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Got stuck

    When to visit the site today with my boyfriend and grandma it is fenced off and my boyfriend decided to hop it and go explore while we waited in the car when we first pulled up my grandma had a bad feeling about me driving my car in the grass but I didn't think anything of it I stopped my car and parked then though let's get a bit closer so I pulled my car up a bit more, when my boyfriend came back from exploring the hotel we tried to leave and realized my car front tires were stuck in sand and the more we tried to reverse or drive forward the more we sunk lucky for us some awesome guys stopped to help us get out, then grandma said that must be a sign to not come back again.

    Posted 7/18/21

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Footsteps

    I was in the fourth floor taking photos when i heard footsteps and a foot scuffing above me. It stopped directly overhead and then continued down the hall. Me and my friend were alone in the building and didn't hear it again.

    Posted 6/28/21

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  • I am one of the previous owners and I am still alive,

    Yes I have seen and heard voices and footsteps when there was only the of us inside the old ballroom, and the old help section who waited Of the guests

    Posted 4/10/21

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    2 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Is haunted for sure

    Me and my brother went there and I found it to be quite paranormal I went in alone as he waited out 100-150 yards away. I went up three flights of stairs before I completely stopped moving as I stopped I head two foot steps below me and then took to steps more to see if it was just echoing but as I stopped next I heard a door shut from below so I got out of there feeling uncertain to proceed. As I got back to my brother he told me he heard a siren go off as I was in the building but I found it quite strange how I didn't hear it considering that I was inside and he was 100-150 yards away. I got out soon after hearing the door shut below me.

    Posted 3/3/21

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Haunted yes

    A woman standing in an open door on the 3rd floor; door was closed as we looked on from the fence ; I began chanting and conjuring and the door opened slowly and the wind picked up; freezing cold feeling/chills my daughter ran and I have pictures before and after; went on a Saturday ; 4-20 after Full Pink Moon in ?? I have pictures .. you will see!!

    Posted 4/21/19

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    8 out of 11 found this review helpful

  • Saw way too many

    Me and my daughter just pulled up on the side of the building and was staring at it when the windows started to open and the doors started to open as if somebody had pushed them open and was standing there on the balcony staring at you. And you could see somebody on the third floor staring at you just standing there. Needless to say I don't get scared but easily but I didn't feel safe staying in that one spot so we got out.

    Posted 3/28/19

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    10 out of 11 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3345 days ago)

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