
Fogartyville Cemetery - Real Bradenton Haunted Place

  • 4200 3rd Ave. NW
  • Bradenton, FL
  • (941) 746-1844
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is quite old and is located in a nice part of town. It is known to be quite creepy at night and seems to have more fog than the surrounding neighborhood. The other cemetery that is located just west of this one has been neglected, while the main cemetery has been well kept. Many years ago, there was a slab with a crypt top. The crypt box had apparently cracked and allowed rain and natural water into the crypt with the coffin. The coffin was a nice watertight high-end job and it acted as a bobber and lifted the crypt top a couple of inches up. If you knew how to do it, you could stand by one corner of the top, and step on the corner, and "grave-water" would squirt out the other corner on an unsuspecting victim.
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  • Rude kids

    Friends and I would play night time hide and seek here, and it was a "must visit" every Hallowee, this was elementary days. Junior high, we would stroll through looking for the oldest dates, or youngest buried. We understood the cemetery more, we respected it. High school, we went to visit friends. Now 40, I don't want to go there, it's painful. I've seen dark figures behind headstones, I've seen a little girl next to a grave, I've seen toys move... Definitely got some things going on in there.

    Posted 3/16/25

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  • Drove through this morning lots of EVP

    My friend brought me here as she does with all of her friends, we used an EVP app and right away they spoke. A baby girl, 4 years old was very talkative and giggly and we felt a happy presence. We were welcomed into Adams and Rogers with a very audible and lively presence. It was a beautiful feeling. We did ask that all who were speaking to us remained behind where their people were. Going back closer to Samhain for sure.

    Posted 7/31/22

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  • I live in a surrounding house and it's haunted

    I can't even begin to talk about the weird things here. People died in my house weird concrete patches, cemetery is segregated and I have been visited by entities while Astral projecting. Live right next to it. Beware.

    Posted 7/3/21

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  • Tucker Family

    I’ve visited twice. My maternal great grandfather, Rufus Tucker, is buried there, along with his wife, Mary Jane (Blackwell) Tucker, and her mother, Hanna Amanda Smith.

    Posted 5/6/21

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  • Very active with spirits

    We went there at night to take pictures and got a lot of spirits in the photos

    Posted 10/27/18

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Indeed Hauted

    When I was in high school a few friend & I went in there at night. & I had a purple cd player & we were walking around we found a babies grave. & a little while later we were sitting on one of the little roads that go through the cemetary & I noticed my cd player was gone when we got up to leave. We went back to see if it was on the babies grave & it wasn't. The next day one of the same friends & I went back to see if we could find it & it was on the babies grave.

    Posted 6/21/16

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    7 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3206 days ago)

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