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Annual Florida Halloween Halfathon & 5K Race

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Join us for a howling good time during our Annual Halloween Halfathon & 5K Race at Fort De Soto Park, located near St. Petersburg on Florida's beautiful west coast at the mouth of Tampa Bay.

TRICKS: Costumes Encouraged
Create unique costumes in the spirit of this festive holiday, but ones that will not adversely affect your performance. Or simply wear mismatched uniforms. Or orange and black.

Custom Running Starfish Medals for all Halfathon & 5K Finishers.
Age Group Awards, 3-deep in both races
Overall Awards for Overall, Masters Grand Masters
Hi-quality Zorrel Tech, gender-specific shirts for all
FREE downloadable photos to print or share
FREE parking

TREATS: Best Costume Awards
Best Animal Costume
Funniest Costume
Most Creative Costume
Best Beauty - French Maids, Hooter Girls, Princesses, etc.
Best Celebrity - Actors, Elvis, Singers, Politicians, etc.
Best Hero - Explorers, Firefighters, Military, Police, Superheroes, etc.
Best Villain - Thieves, Robbers, Pirates, etc.
Best Couple - Cowboy & Indian, Cop & Robber, Batman & Robin, etc.
Best Group - 3 or more similiarly costumed
Best Volunteer

Both our courses are located entirely in Ft. De Soto Park, starting and finishing adjacent to the park's North Beach, regularly recognized as one of the nation's best beaches. These races will be run on paved access roads and recreational trails.

They are extremely flat courses, with no bridges, overpasses, or discernible inclines. They will be accurately measured and certified by the USATF.

Both races start the same, with a 5K loop that returns athletes to the start/finish area. Post-race party begins as the 5K athletes arrive, while the Halfathoners will continue on the 10-mile out-and-back tour of Ft. De Soto Park.

Finish line treats will include fresh fruit, hot pasta, cold Michelob Ultra, and live entertainment.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
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Annual Florida Halloween Halfathon & 5K Race
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